Saturday, 2 November 2013

Are Children's Rights Respected in Balbriggan?

What Do You Think? 

On Friday 18th October the children from Balbriggan Educate Together NS will be voting in their own Human Rights Referendum. Following a series of lessons, discussions, assemblies, fieldtrips etc the children will be invited to vote YES or NO to the Referendum question: Are our Children’s Rights respected in Balbriggan? 

Working through the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC) the children will be encouraged to think deeply about the availability and enjoyment of the Children’s Rights in their hometown of Balbriggan. The children will be asked to vote YES or NO in summary across a list of questions such as: 
Do I feel safe in Balbriggan? 
Can I walk safely to and from activities that I like to do? 
Do I ever feel in danger in Balbriggan? 
Are there good schools in Balbriggan? 
Can I get a good education in Balbriggan? 
Can I practice my religion and culture in Balbriggan? 
Are there good amenities for children in Balbriggan? 
Are there places for us to play? 
Are there Clubs for us to join? 
Are there Community facilities for us to use? 
Do I get the chance to have my voice heard in Balbriggan? 
Are we consulted on matters that affect us? 

The votes will be counted on the 18th and we’ll publish the results on this website. We will also communicate the results of our Referendum to all of the important agencies in Balbriggan. 

DOUBLE click anywhere to post your opinion onto the wall! Your comment will appear once it has been moderated. :-)

Friday, 1 November 2013

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