Monday, 14 October 2013

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Something to help stimulate your thoughts about children's rights.

Think about each right... is it respected in Balbriggan?

What do you think OVERALL?  Are children's rights respected in Balbriggan?

Thursday, 10 October 2013

World Mental Health Day

To mark World Mental Health Day, the senior choir went over to Dunnes Stores to sing and put a smile on people's faces.  We wanted to raise awareness of mental health issues and encourage people to talk about mental health.  You can see it here below.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Senior Infants Learn About Deafness

As part of their work on disability for human rights month, senior infants have been learning a lot about people who can't hear very well. Sometimes, these people are called deaf people.

First of all, we read a book called Moonbird. This told the story of a young prince that couldn't hear earth sounds. He visited some animal friends and they showed him how to communicate with his hands. When he returned to earth, the king and queen learned how to talk to him using their hands and eyes too. 

Then we read Freddie and the Fairy. This story is all about a fairy who can't hear very well so she sometimes mixes up the wishes that the boy is asking for. This book taught us the 3 Golden Rules for speaking to someone who can't hear very well - speak clearly, don't cover your mouth and always face towards the person. 

Today, we read A Birthday for Ben. This book is about a boy called Ben who hates birthday parties because he feels left out of the games that need music. He even decides that he doesn't want a party for his own birthday because he doesn't want his deaf friends to be left out. Luckily, his mother comes up with lots of ways to make sure that everyone can join in all the party games by using lights and coloured cards as signals as well as music. 

We also looked at the First Animal Sign Book today. We learned all the signs for the animals in the zoo. It was great fun!

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Here's a nice video illustrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We Are All Born Free

Senior Infants read 'We Are All Born Free' in school this week. 

We learned about some of the rights that all humans should enjoy. You can watch a video showing some of these here! 

Remember, everyone has rights so everyone also has the responsibility to protect other people's rights!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Whoever You Are by Mem Fox

The senior infants read this lovely book in class today - Whoever You Are by Mem Fox.  It taught us about how despite our differences, all the children around the world share lots of similarities.

Here's a video of someone else reading the story.  

Did you like the story?  Let us know by leaving a comment below!

What are Children Rights?

Here's a really nice video to introduce the idea of children's rights.  

Here's to a great human rights month!